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» » » Boat-Making: The Education of a Prophet

When Sayyidna Nuh علیہ السلام was commanded to make an ark, he knew no ark, nor its making. Therefore, in the next verse (37), he got his first lesson. To orient him to the reality of boat making, it was said: وَاصْنَعِ الْفُلْکَ بِأَعْیُنِنَا وَوَحْیِنَا (And make an ark under Our eyes and according to Our revelation).

Hadith reports say that Sayyidna Jibra\'il al-Amin علیہ السلام told Sayyidna Nuh علیہ السلام by means of revelation all about the making of boats. He had used wood from the saul tree (shorea robusta) to build this ark.

Some historical narratives give its measurement. It was three hundred yards long, fifty yards in width and thirty yard high, almost a three storied ship. Its ventilators, as customary, opened to the right and the left. Thus, this industry, the first prototype of the ship building industry, began at the hands of Sayyidna Nuh علیہ السلام for the first time through Divine revelation. After that, the progress it made is current history.

All Essential Industries Originated through Revelation
It has been reported on the authority of some elders of early centuries of Islam in at-Tibb an-Nabawi of Hafiz Shamsud-Din adh-Dhahabi that all industries essential for human beings owe their origin to the process of Divine revelation through some prophet. Later, improvements kept coming as needed during different times. The first revelation that came to Sayyidna Adam علیہ السلام mostly related to rehabilitation of the land and establishment of different industries. The invention of wheel carts for loading and hauling things is part of the chain of inventions.

Sir Syed Ahmad an, the founder of the well-known Aligarh College, (now the Muslim University of Aligarh, India) used to say more than a hundred years ago that the world has seen inventions of all sorts in moving vehicles but its pivot continued to be the axle and the wheel. It is the common factor between a bullock-cart, a donkey-cart, rails and cars. Therefore, the greatest inventor of moving vehicles is the person who invented the wheel that is the life and soul of a lot of machines. As it was said, this invention unfolded itself at the hands of the first prophet, Sayyidna Adam, peace on him, through a Divine revelation.

From here we also learn that industries devoted to essential human needs are so important that the blessed prophets have been taught and trained in these through Divine revelation.

Soon after instructing Sayyidna Nuh علیہ السلام how he would make an ark, he was told that a flood would come and his people will be drowned and that, at the time, he was not to intercede out of compassion on their behalf.

verse (38), mentioned there is the total lack of concern for their sad end shown by the people of Sayyidna Nuh علیہ السلام during the period he was making the ark. When the chieftains of his people saw him busy with his project under a Divine command, they would ask him, `what are you doing?\' He said, `a flood is to come, therefore, I am making an ark.\' They would mock at him and say, `we have no water to drink here and this wise man is planning to sail in a boat on this dry land.\' In response, Sayyidna Nuh told them, `if you mock at us today, then remember the day is sure to come when we shall be laughing at you.\' The sense is that conditions would change and events would unfold in a manner that they themselves would become the cause of their being mocked at. For, in reality, ridicule is contrary to the spiritual station of prophets. It is simply not permissible for any-one in fact, it is Haram (unlawful). Says the Holy Qur\'an: لَا یَسْخَرْ قَوْمٌ مِّن قَوْمٍ عَسَیٰ أَن یَکُونُوا خَیْرًا مِّنْہُمْ (O those who have believed, no people should mock at (other) people - may be, they are better than them - 49:11) Therefore, the mocking referred to here is a pragmatic response to their mockery. This is like saying, `when you are seized by the punishment, we shall be telling you that this was the outcome of your mockery.\' This is as it was said after that in the fourth verse (39): `So, you shall soon know to whom will come the punishment that will humble him, and upon whom will befall the lasting punishment.\' The first punishment refers to the punishment in the mortal world, and the `lasting punishment\' means the never-ending punishment of the Hereafter.

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