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» » HTML lesson 2

                                 HTML Class 2


Hope that you all will be right by the grace of God.

Today we read that What is Tag?We know that our total work has done in note pad. every thing that we write in note pad, shows in internet browsers. But how do the browser know that which thing, sentence has to show where?

This work is the responsibility of Tag that he tell the browser that what to do. Don't worry, now we read their examples than every confusion would run.

<HTML> This is our first tag of HTML.

Now see our recent classes note pad.

You can see that we write HTML in the first line of note pad. if we have to do any work of HTML so first of all we use this tag.We have to close tag also. For this see the last line of this picture. </HTML> written in this. That is our close tag. Now all the work we have to do in these two tags. As you can see in examples. The other tags of HTML are divided in two parts. Body or Head Tag head represent our upper part of web page. We set our web page title in this. Who shows in internet browsers of the Bar. And we gave a title to our web page. Now Talk about <body>.. our total left web page will be in body's tag. We read about tags used in body in our next class. Stop till we read in our example a tag <p> <P> This is the tag of the paragraph. And this shows our text written in web page in the shape of paragraph. That was our today class which we learn some basic tags and their uses In next classes we learn the detail of other tags.

Wisher of pray

  Muhammad Suleman

Allah Hafiz

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