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                       HTML Class 1



              I hope you all will be right by the grace of God.Friends I am Muhammad Suleman... Some people perhaps know me but, those who do not know me, there is a simple introduction

Name: Muhammad Suleman

City Khushab

Today, I am going to start with you a course named HTML. For this there is a great need of yours best wishes and pray. Let's start that

What is HTML?

What is the use of HTML?

By the gain of this knowledge what can we do?

HTML is the Hyper Text Mark Up Language..

We can make our Web page with this. many language such as PHP,JAVASCRIPT, XML etc are used to make web page but, basic language is HTML. If we learn other languages so we have to learn HTML completely..

Now what should we have for HTML?

1. One computer

2. One text or HTML Editor

3.Web browser, such as Google Chrome,Mozilla Firefox and  internet explorer etc

We use NOTEPAD as a text editor. That was the simple introduction of HTML. We shall start our work today. First open your note pad. Write these words in it as they are. Remember! Any error in HTMLwould not be acceptable...





<title> Online World </title>





This is our First Class of html





Now save this file.

Note:You have to save this file "Save as". In save as after the name add of HTML.

Now double click on your save file and see the result. your page will open like that... You have complete your first project of HTML. What is this!!!! your page had not opened like that.

Worry not go in notepad again and see that you have write the wrong code. That was our first class.Now you have to worry not by the words written in the note pad(HEAD,TITLE,BODY HTML etc) because we read in next lesson about these words.

Till next lesson you should practice your today work. So that we feel easy to understand them in next class. Now let me have permission.

Wisher of pray

Muhammad Suleman


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